Momentum(The 5 seconds Rule)


It will start as just an instinct. It always does. First you take a class. A class leads
to a certification. A certification leads to conversations. Conversations lead to
opportunities. Small opportunities lead to larger ones. Maybe you’ll want to share
something what you’re learning with people at work, so you use the Rule push
yourself to do it. That’s when momentum kicks in.

As your exploration picks up momentum, you’ll move into the next phase—
actually pursuing your passion full-time. There’s no magic formula for when to pull the trigger and turn a passion
project into a passion-driven career or major life change. It requires planning and
some slow, deep thinking.

You need to ask yourself the Heart First question, “Am I ready to commit to this?”
instead of the Feeling First question, “Do I feel ready to commit to this?” You’ll never
feel ready. The moment you answer yes to the question “Am I ready to commit to this?”
you’ll need to use the Rule to give yourself that final push.
Even when you are ready, it’s not going to feel good when you do it.

Culled from The 5 seconds Rule by Mel Robbins

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
