Continuing to Heal
In order to continue to feel better about yourself, surround yourself with people who like you and treat you with respect. Allow yourself to experience and take in the feeling of being enjoyed. Get
involved in activities that provide you with a feeling of competence
and achievement.
Although being around others who accept andng enjoy you and
having experiences with success will be important in your personal
growth, it is crucial that you do not allow others’ mirrors to totally
influence your image of yourself. Remember, every person will see
you to some extent through his or her own personal filters and needs.
Remember to treat yourself with respect. Quietly, yet firmly, ask
others to show respect for your needs. Continue to catch yourself in
the act when you begin to criticize yourself. Continue to respect your
body’s physical and emotional needs and actively work on meeting
them. Carve out blocks of time for doing things that make you feel
good about yourself and spend time with others who enjoy you.
Reward yourself from time to time for doing a good job of taking care
of yourself.
Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
In order to continue to feel better about yourself, surround yourself with people who like you and treat you with respect. Allow yourself to experience and take in the feeling of being enjoyed. Get
involved in activities that provide you with a feeling of competence
and achievement.
Although being around others who accept andng enjoy you and
having experiences with success will be important in your personal
growth, it is crucial that you do not allow others’ mirrors to totally
influence your image of yourself. Remember, every person will see
you to some extent through his or her own personal filters and needs.
Remember to treat yourself with respect. Quietly, yet firmly, ask
others to show respect for your needs. Continue to catch yourself in
the act when you begin to criticize yourself. Continue to respect your
body’s physical and emotional needs and actively work on meeting
them. Carve out blocks of time for doing things that make you feel
good about yourself and spend time with others who enjoy you.
Reward yourself from time to time for doing a good job of taking care
of yourself.
Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
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