Declare your independence
You began to declare your independence when you started to face the
truth about your parents and other family members and the negative
role their behavior has played in your life.
Declaring your independence does not involve denying the emotional impact your parents have had on you, however. By denying
your parents’ role in shaping your personality you risk denying a part
of yourself. It is inevitable that you will take on many of your parents’
characteristics. After all, their influence on you, both genetically and
environmentally, is the most profound influence you will ever experience. Separation includes acknowledging how you are similar to your
parents as well as how you are different from them, for many of
the traits that you have inherited from your parents are no doubt very
Completing your unfinished business with your parents or other
abusers can include any or all of the following: expressing and getting
past your anger, confronting your abusers, resolving your relationship,
and forgiveness.
Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde