How to turn your critical eye to a compassionate one
Whenever you make a mistake or fail to reach a particular goal,
instead of letting your inner critic take over and chastise you
mercilessly, tell yourself, “I did the best I could” or, “I’m only
human and humans make mistakes.” This is not the same as
making excuses for your behavior; it is just a compassionate
acknowledgment that we can all fail, even when we try our
hardest. You will be far more motivated to try harder the next
time if you talk to yourself in a kind, understanding way than if
you tear down your self-esteem.
Whenever you fail to reach a goal, ask yourself whether your
goal was a reasonable one. Did you set your sights too high, considering who you are today and your present circumstances?
Often we set goals or have expectations of ourselves that are not
reasonable. Begin to set more reasonable expectations for your self. Instead of setting goals that are impossible to reach, set
goals that are possible and will give your self-esteem a boost
when you reach them.
Culled from Healing Your emotional self by Beverly Engel
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
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