Neglect, Rejection and Abandonment

Neglect, Rejection and abandonment

Unfortunately, most victims of childhood neglect and abandonment
tend to continue to neglect and abandon themselves as adults. Many
survivors don’t even know what their needs are, much less how to ful-
fill them. This is especially true for those who did not receive adequate
nurturing from their mothers. If this is your situation, you will need to
become your own good mother by providing yourself today with the
things you did not receive as a child.

Neglect, rejection, and abandonment (physical and emotional) all 
create severe emotional wounds in a child. These abandonment
wounds can create a lifetime of feeling that there is something inherently wrong with oneself.

If you suffer from these deep abandonment wounds, you need to
make sure you don’t continue to abandon yourself the way you were
abandoned as a child. You abandon yourself when you put yourself in
dangerous or hurtful situations, when you don’t provide proper nutrition and adequate rest for yourself, and when you don’t allow yourself
to speak up in your own behalf.

Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
