Perfection(Healing your emotional self)


Some people fight against shame by striving for
perfection as a way to compensate for an underlying sense of defectiveness. The reasoning goes like this: “If I can become perfect, I am no
longer vulnerable to being shamed.” Unfortunately, the quest for perfection is doomed to fail, and the realization of this failure reawakens the
already present sense of shame the person was trying to run from in the
first place. Because he already feels that he is inherently not good
enough as a person, nothing he does is ever seen as good enough

If you expect perfection from yourself, you will be constantly disappointed in yourself and constantly damaging your self-esteem. If
you expect perfection from others, you will end up being demanding
and critical. If you do this with your children, you will be emotionally
abusing them.

Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
