Saboteur(Healing your emotional self)


Sometimes it almost seems as if there is a part of us that is bent on sabotaging anything good that comes our way. It especially rears its ugly
head when we are trying to make changes to our lives or to break old,
negative patterns.

Sometimes the saboteur takes the form of a cruel voice inside
your head, but usually the cruelty is more silent—and deadly. It is a
cruelty that echoes the out-and-out hostility of a narcissistic parent as
well as the anger your inner child feels when she is frustrated. This
cruelty can cause depression. It can make you discount compliments
and distrust affection. Its punitive demands and paralyzing arguments
can stop you from trying to change and can cause you to fail at whatever you try to achieve.

Instead of seeing yourself as an empty vessel who is filled up, drop by
drop, with your achievements, you need to begin to recognize your
intrinsic worth as a human being

Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
