Shame(Healing your emotional self)


According to Byron Brown, the author of Soul without Shame, your
inner critic generally recognizes the importance of essential human
qualities, but it does not believe that you have them innately. Instead,
it tells you that you must acquire them from the outside through accomplishments and good behavior: “If you are a kind, giving person
then perhaps you have some value.”

Children respond differently to shaming. Some become angry 
and direct that anger outward, sometimes in the form of violence
against other people. Others direct their anger inward, often leading
to a vicious cycle of self-hatred in which the person becomes isolated
and withdrawn in order to avoid the possibility of further rejection.
The trauma associated with the pain of an intense shame response can lead to all the phenomena we associate with a post-traumatic stress

Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
