Your body as a teacher
Your body is a wealth of information. It holds the memory of trauma
long forgotten that is nevertheless still affecting you. It can tell you
how you are feeling and what you need at any particular time.
In addition to being disconnected from your body, you probably don’t
value it enough. The more you value your body, the better choices you
will make concerning its care. Similarly, the more you love your body,
the more likely you will be to cultivate positive health habits: eating
more nutritious meals, exercising regularly, listening to your body’s
wisdom to inform you of what you need, treating yourself kindly when
you are sick.
Loving yourself will do more for your appearance than anything else
you can do. No cream, no form of exercise, no diet will do what loving
yourself will do. The more you love your body, just the way it is, the
better you will take care of it, the straighter you will sit and stand, the
broader you will smile.
Culled from Healing your emotional self by Beverly Engel
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
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