Parenting Philosophies

IQ is a measure, to some degree, of innate ability. But
social savvy is knowledge. It's a set of skills that have to
be learned. It has to come from somewhere, and the place
where we seem to get these kinds of attitudes and skills is
from our families.

There were only two parenting "philosophies,"
and they divided almost perfectly along class lines. The
wealthier parents raised their kids one way, and the poorer
parents raised their kids another way.
The wealthier parents were heavily involved in their
children's free time, shuttling them from one activity to the next, quizzing them about their teachers and coaches
and teammates.

That kind of intensive scheduling was almost entirely
absent from the lives of the poor children. Play for them
wasn't soccer practice twice a week. It was making up games
outside with their siblings and other kids in the neighborhood.

Culled from Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
