Status of the family(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

The Jamaican
sociologist Fernando Henriques once wrote:
the most lightly colored will be favored at the expense of
the others. In adolescence, and until marriage, the darker
members of the family will be kept out of the way when
the friends of the fair or fairer members of the family are
being entertained. The fair child is regarded as raising the
color of the family and nothing must be put in the way of
its success, that is in the way of a marriage which will still
further raise the color status of the family.

Superstar lawyers
and math whizzes and software entrepreneurs appear at
first blush to lie outside ordinary experience. But they
don't. They are products of history and community, of
opportunity and legacy. Their success is not exceptional
or mysterious. It is grounded in a web of advantages and
inheritances, some deserved, some not, some earned, some
just plain lucky—but all critical to making them who they
are. The outlier, in the end, is not an outlier at all.

Culled from Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
