Mistakes(13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin)

One of the things mentally strong people don't do is they don't make the same mistakes over and over again.

Although we’d like to think we learn from our mistakes the first
time around, the truth is, everyone repeats mistakes sometimes.
That’s just part of being human. Mistakes can be behavioral—like
showing up late for work—or they can be cognitive. Thinking
errors include always assuming people don’t like you or never
planning ahead. Although someone may say “Next time I won’t
jump to conclusions,” they may repeat those same thinking errors if
they’re not careful.

And when we deny our mistakes, we are less likely to examine them
and gain any true understanding or lessons from them, making us
more susceptible to repeating them in the future. We’ve all heard this
line before: “I stand by my decisions . . .” This is an
acknowledgment of behavior but falls short of admitting a mistake,
all because of pride.

Culled from 13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin

Abdulkareem Taoheedah kehinde
