If your efforts aren’t successful at first, spend some time evaluating
what happened and how you want to proceed. If you failed at
something that isn’t all that important to you, you may decide it’s
not worth investing more time or energy into trying again. And
sometimes that makes sense.
If you need to overcome an obstacle in your life to help you reach
your dream, however, it makes sense to try again. But doing the
exact same thing over again won’t help. Instead, create a plan that
will increase your chance of success. Just like you need to learn
from mistakes to avoid repeating them, you need to learn from
failure so you can do better the next time. Sometimes that means
improving your skills; at other times, that may mean looking for
opportunities where your skills may be appreciated.
Understanding that you will be okay, even if you fail repeatedly,
offers much peace and contentment in life. You’ll no longer worry
about being the best or feeling like you have to achieve the most to
be appreciated. Instead, you can rest assured that with each failure,
you’re becoming better.
Culled from 13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
what happened and how you want to proceed. If you failed at
something that isn’t all that important to you, you may decide it’s
not worth investing more time or energy into trying again. And
sometimes that makes sense.
If you need to overcome an obstacle in your life to help you reach
your dream, however, it makes sense to try again. But doing the
exact same thing over again won’t help. Instead, create a plan that
will increase your chance of success. Just like you need to learn
from mistakes to avoid repeating them, you need to learn from
failure so you can do better the next time. Sometimes that means
improving your skills; at other times, that may mean looking for
opportunities where your skills may be appreciated.
Understanding that you will be okay, even if you fail repeatedly,
offers much peace and contentment in life. You’ll no longer worry
about being the best or feeling like you have to achieve the most to
be appreciated. Instead, you can rest assured that with each failure,
you’re becoming better.
Culled from 13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
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