Preparing for change

Don’t allow your emotions to make the final decision. Sometimes
you have to be willing to change, even when you don’t “feel like it.”
Balance your emotions with rational thinking. If you’re terrified of
doing something new, and it really won’t make a big difference in
your life, you may decide it’s not worth putting yourself through the
stress of change. But, if you can rationally identify how change will
be best for you in the long term, it may make sense to tolerate the

Preparing for the change can be the most important step. Create a
plan for how you’ll implement the change and how you’ll stick to it.
Once you have a plan in place, then you can implement the
behavioral change one small step at a time.

If your goal is to be more outgoing, behave in a friendly manner. If
you want to be a successful salesperson, study how successful
salespeople behave and then do what they do. You don’t necessarily
have to wait until you feel like it or until the right time comes; start
changing your behavior now.
Clearly identify the type of person you’d like to be. Then, be
proactive about becoming that person.

Culled from 13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
