Rights and privileges

One of the things mentally strong people don't do is they don't feel the world owe them anything.

We’re all inclined to want our fair share in life. However, the belief
that you’re owed something simply because of who you are or what
you’ve been through isn’t healthy.

We live in a world where rights and privileges frequently get
confused. Often, people think they have a “right to be happy” or a
“right to be treated respectfully,” even if it means they have to
infringe on others’ rights to get what they want. Instead of trying to
earn privileges, they behave as if society is somehow indebted to
them. Advertising tempts us to buy products by promoting self indulgence and materialism. The idea that “You deserve it,” whether
you can afford it or not, leads many among us to go deeply into
A feeling that the world owes you something isn’t always about a
sense of superiority. Sometimes it is about a sense of injustice.

Culled from 13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah kehinde
