There is something remarkable that takes place in an adult learning situation. It is very different from attending a required course in college or university. The type of people who attend adult seminars are a much higher caliber than you meet in your day-to-day life. They are more positive, more highly motivated, have bigger and better goals, and are more determined to succeed. When you spend several hours in their company, it has a subtle but powerful subconscious effect on you. You actually become a better and more focused person by the very act of associating withh other successful people in an adult learning situation or seminar.
Make it a habit to seek out and attend at least four seminar programs per year in your field. If your organization has annual or national conventions, be sure to attend. Eagerly seek out and sit in on the most important talks and lectures at each of these workshops or annual meetings. Sometimes, one good idea from an expert in your field can transform your entire career.
Culled from Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah Kehinde
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