Confucius once wrote, “He who would rule must learn to obey.” The most sucessful executives, entrepreneurs and managers are usually excellent as employees on their way up. They learn or develop the habits that enable them to make a significant, valuable contribution to their companies and organizations, and as a result, they get paid more and promoted faster than the people around them. This should be your goal as well.
Most self-made millionaires are entrepreneurs who start and build their own successful businesses. But many self-made millionaires are salespeople and executives of successful businesses who do an excellent job, make an excellent conntribution and get paid extremely well, both in the form of cash and stock.
The highest paid and most successful people in our society do what they love to do, as much of the time as they possibly can. You should continually be standing back, examining yourself objectively, and then practicing the habit of focusing on your special talents and abilities.
Culled from Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah Kehinde
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