Habits of working all the time you work

 One of the most important habits you can develop, which will help you in any job,This is the habit of working all the time you work.

 According to Robert Half International, the average employee works only 50% of the time. The other 50% of working time is largely wasted. It is spent in idle chitchat and conversation with coworkers, coming in late, taking extended coffee breaks and lunches, and leaving early. It is dribbled away with private phone calls, reading the newspaper, personal business and surfing the Internet. Only 50% of the time for which the average person is paid is actually spent on work-related activities. 

There is nothing that will bring you to the attention of people who can help you faster than developing a habit for hard, hard work. In every study of successful people, whether they are athletes, executives, entrepreneurs or self-made millionaires in any field, the most obvious habit they have is that they work much longer and harder than their coworkers. 

Culled from Million Dollar Habits by Brain Tracy

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah Kehinde
