There are some people who accomplish an extraordinary amount with their lives, as opposed to the great majority who accomplish very little. These peak performers or self-actualizers seem to earn more money, have better families, friends and relationships, enjoy higher levels of health and energy, achieve much higher levels of success, esteem and prestige in their fields, and live longer, happier lives than the average. This should be your goal as well.
The only difference between the high performers and the low performers is their habits. High performing, successful, happy men and women are those who have taken the time and disciplined themselves to develop the habits that lead them onward and upward in every area of their lives. Unsuccessful, unhappy people, on the other hand, are those who have not yet developed those habits.
The good news is that all habits have been learned, and are therefore learnable. You can learn whatever habits and behaviors you consider desirable and necessary. The only limits are the limits your place on yourself. The question is always, “How badly do you want it?”
Culled from Million Dollar Habits by Brian Tracy
Abdulkareem,Taoheedah Kehinde
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