Self-discipline and Self-control

The most important habit you can develop for success, achievement and happiness
is the habit of self-discipline. Perhaps the best definition of self-discipline comes
from Elbert Hubbard, “Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you
should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.”

Self-discipline is the key to self-mastery and self-control. The more capable you
become of disciplining yourself to do what you have decided to do, whether you
feel like it or not, the more positive and powerful you will feel.

There is a direct relationship between self-discipline and self-esteem. The more
you discipline yourself to behave in the manner that you have decided, the more
you like and respect yourself. The more positive and confident you will feel. The
stronger and more in charge of your life and situation you become.

Culled from Million Dollar Habits By Brian Tracy

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah Kehinde
