Self-assertion and self-determination

 When we feel anxiety, there is usually no real threat. Anxiety has been restimulated from the past. However, at other times, we may be facing very difficult circumstances when the anxiety sets in. Nonetheless, the event itself is not the cause of the demoralizing emotion. Our mind has made an unconscious connection between the recent event and prehistoric stimulations of anxiety in childhood. After the anxiety is identified, rejected, and replaced with self determination and confidence, the more recent event can be dealt with effectively.

We can reverse the effects of childhood and adolescence and learn to assert ourselves effectively at home, work, and elsewhere in our lives. Initially, the mere thought of self-assertion will cause anxiety, but we can learn to identify the anxiety, reject it, and instead choose reasonable ways to make ourselves more effective in dealing with people.

Culled from Guilt,Anxiety and Shame by Peter R. Breggin

Abdulkareem,Taoheedah Kehinde
