Look for the good

 You might come across an article in a magazine, or someone mentions something to you that you didn’t know before. You might even flip to a program on television that has exactly the idea or insight you need to solve a particular problem, or answer a key question. You will often have a setback or temporary failure that turns out to be exactly the right thing to happen to you at that moment.

Look For the Good

The interesting point is that, if you look for something good in every situation, you will always seem to find it. The very attitude of expecting good things to happen to you seems to trigger their occurrence, over and over again. If you calmly and confidently believe in the magic of serendipity, no matter what happens, you will have repeated serendipitous experiences that will help you to achieve your real goals in life.

Events Connected By Meaning

The second phenomenon that you will experience regularly is called “synchronicity.” This is different from The Law of Cause and Effect,the Iron Law of the universe, in a special way. The Law of Cause and Effect says that everything happens for a specific reason, and that there is a traceable cause for every effect.

Culled from Goals by Brian Tracy

Abdulkareem, Taoheedah Kehinde
