Here is another question to help you clarify your true goals: What have you always wanted to do but been afraid to attempt? When you look around your world, and you look at other people who are doing things that you admire, what have you always wanted to do as well, but you have been afraid of taking the chance?
Have you wanted to start your own business? Have you wanted to run for public office? Have you wanted to embark on a new career?
What have you always wanted to do but been afraid to attempt?
In setting goals for your life, short and long-term, you should continually ask yourself, “What do I most enjoy doing, in each area of my life?” For instance, if you could do just one thing all day long in your work, what would it be? If you could do any job or full time activity all the time, without pay, what would it be? What sort of work or activity gives you the greatest joy and satisfaction?
Culled from Goals by Brian Tracy
Abdulkareem, Taoheedah Kehinde
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