
Conclusions from outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Status of the family(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Extracts from outliers

Achievement Gap in Rich kids versus Poor kids

Innate ability(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Success Story(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

The Number system in English

Rice paddies(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

PDI(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Individualism-Collectivism scale

Mitigation (Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Plane crashes(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Culture of honor (Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

New York lawyers and success

Hardwork(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Opportunity In Relation to Success

Demographic trough(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Acceptability(Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell)

Parenting Philosophies

Practical Intelligence

IQ in relation to Success

Extracts from outliers By Malcolm Gladwell

Ten Thousand Hours

Success (Outliers By Malcolm Gladwell)

Introduction to outliers (By Malcolm Gladwell)