
Conclusions on 13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin

Donot Expect immediate results

Rights and privileges



Obstacles in life


Definition of success




Mistakes(13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin)

Misconception about grief

Living in the moment

Level of risks

Risky ideas(13 things mentally strong people don't do)

Taking calculated risks

Pleasing others

Pleasing everyone(13 things mentally strong people don't do)

Behaviour in relation to control

they don't focus on what they can't control

Preparing for change

New Year's resolutions

Change(13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin)

Self-worth(13 things mentally strong people dont do by Amy Morin)

Donot give away your power

Ward off feelings of self-pity

Self-pity(Mentally strong people do not dwell in self-pity)

Habits(13 things mentally strong people don't do by Amy Morin)